Adult Eating Disorders Service  - Care Team


Every day, we are surrounded by different messages that impact the way we feel about how we look. It is no wonder that we place our bodies under such scrutiny – sometimes to devastating results.

But eating disorders are not just about food and body image. They are often a way to cope with difficult problems or regain a sense of control. They are complicated mental illnesses that affect a person’s sense of identity, worth, and self-esteem. If left untreated, they can leave a person at risk of severe health complications. 

Thanks to generous donor support, patients receiving treatment at the Adult Eating Disorders Services (AEDS) are receiving the most advanced, holistic care. The program is a partnership between LHSC and the Canadian Mental Health Association that offers comprehensive psychosocial and nutrition care, as well as medical care for complications such as heart conditions. 

Heart problems from eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa are common and can be very serious. As patients lose weight, they lose muscle mass, with the heart muscle being no exception. One of the program’s highest-priority needs last year was an electrocardiogram (ECG) machine to test patient heart function. Support from Farm Boy and other donors helped to purchase this vital equipment. 

All new admissions to the program are assessed with ECGs to screen for cardiac complications. This analysis can give physicians an idea of whether a patient’s heart is beating normally. Having the ECG machine on site has been extremely helpful. Previously, patients had to be transported to the outpatient department at Victoria Hospital. This put stress on patients that was not conducive to healing. With the ECG machine now on-site at the program’s community-based facility in a picturesque location; patients are assessed by a health care team they know in a space that is comfortable and private. 

Thank you to our community’s ongoing commitment to support the Adult Eating Disorders Program – a life-saving initiative that is changing the face of care for patients with eating disorders in our region. 

“Treatment for an eating disorder is by no means easy; it is a constant battle against your own body and brain. Before treatment, I had no hope for myself or my future. Now, because of the Eating Disorders Program at London Health Sciences Centre, I am going back to school to become a mental health social worker, so I can help people who struggle like I have.”  -A Grateful Patient