Leave A Legacy

London, Ont. - During May, you will see banners celebrating “Leave a Legacy Month” at both University and Victoria Hospitals. According to London Health Sciences Foundation Director of Planned & Memorial Giving there is reason to celebrate at London Health Sciences Centre.

“Legacy donations have been a very big part of making our hospital what it is today,” says Colleen DeJager. “For instance, the construction of the Lindros Legacy Research Building at UH and the equipping of many of the programs in the building were greatly aided by estate bequests from supporters in our community and region.”

Legacy giving supports the same things that other types of donations support at LHSC - from patient assistance funds that help cover expenses not covered by government funding or private insurance, to advanced technology like diagnostic imaging or robotic-assisted surgical systems, to catalyst funding for research, and even fellowships, chairs and other advanced or continuing educational opportunities that help build knowledge and expertise amongst health care providers here.

Legacy, or “planned giving” comes in many forms, but it is most often seen as a bequest specified in a Will or insurance policy. While some people increase their charitable legacy with a planned gift that adds to a lifetime of giving, others do so because they can make a bigger contribution (and a bigger difference) through their estate than they could during their lifetime.

Why not celebrate May by planning to make a difference at LHSC and in our community? Simply take a moment to explore how you too can “Leave a Legacy” through estate planning.

To discuss how you can become one of those special planned giving donors that supports the future of great health care in our community, please call Colleen DeJager (ext. 58416) Colleen.DeJager@lhsc.on.ca or Lisa Mazurek (ext. 58758) Lisa.Mazurek@lhsc.on.ca at the Foundation.